Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Pickled Cucumbers & Carrots

This recipe is based on one I found in a fantastic book called simply "Preserving" by Oded Schwartz. It has many step-by-step recipes and also features recipes using unusual ingredients (like okra, eggplant, etc). I highly recommend it. It's a really fun book.

This is a recipe that is more than just a pickle. It is ready to eat in two days and when drained and dressed with olive oil and chopped herbs, it can be eaten as a side salad.

1 lb. cucumbers sliced 1/2" thick
2 tbsp salt
3/4 lb. onions, sliced
1/2 lb carrots, grated
4 garlic cloves, sliced
1 tsp black peppercorns
3-4 bay leaves
3 cups water
1 1/2 cups white wine vinegar
4 tbsp sugar
1-2 dried red chilies (I didn't use these)

Put the sliced cukes in a colander and sprinkle with half the salt. Mix well and let stand for 20 minutes. Then rinse well with cold water and drain.

Mix onion rings and carrots together in a bowl and pour boiling water to cover, then drain well.

Arrange a layer of cukes in the bottom of hot, sterilized jars. Place a few slices of garlic, some peppercorns and a bay leaf on top.

Cover with the carrot and onion mixture. Repeat until all the veggies are used up.

Put the water, vinegar, sugar chilies and remaining salt into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Boil steadily for a few minutes, skim and remove chilies (if using).

Pour hot vinegar mixture into jars and fill right to the top to cover all veggies. Poke veggies with wooden chopstick or skewer to remove any air pockets and seal jar. This delicious pickle salad will be ready in two days.


  1. Okay, are these the "South African Veggie Pickles" I bought at the Harvest Festival today? :) Can't wait to try them!

    They were selling my Vif rouge d'étampes and Lumina pumpkins there too!
