Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Metallic ATCs

Our wonderful artist trading card group met last Saturday for our monthly trade in Dunvegan. I got some really creative cards in return for this set that I made called "Metallics." I cut some shapes out of fun foam using scissors (that cut a pattern on the edge) and glued those shapes to an ATC-sized card. Then I covered the whole card with metallic paint. I let it dry and rubberstamped the card with a swirl stamp and glued a metal letter to it.
I found the technique in Bernie Berlin's Artist Trading Card Workshop, a book full of interesting techniques. Bernie also runs a shelter called A Place to Bark and Meow. She saves hundreds of animals every year. To see more, click here.


  1. Hmmm, I could do a Metallica series...

  2. These were so cool, but I went and grabbed your "eggs" card because I like your egg paintings so much. I should have stolen one of these when you weren't looking! (KIDDING!)
