Monday, June 1, 2009

Bleeding Hearts & Forget-Me-Nots

It's pretty thrilling when the perennials, which have braved a cold, hard winter, start to bloom in the garden. Here are some English violets my friend Peggi gave me years ago.

My Solomon's Seal, which prefers a shady spot, has really taken off this year.

A small bush of choke cherries decided to burst into bloom a few days ago. I hope I can get my hands on the fruit before the birds but I doubt it.

My forget-me-nots are just adorable and look so happy.

I think they're pretty happy too as they are starting to pop out of the garden and spread onto my lawn.

And here is a string of bleeding hearts. Violets, Forget-me-nots, and Bleeding hearts are reminiscent of Victorian times. Break out the white gloves. Tea and crumpets anyone?

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