Monday, March 2, 2009

Winter Feast

Yesterday, Richard and I were invited to a winter feast in the old, stone house of friends of ours. It was a sit-down, five course meal for 30, the table running right through the middle of their living room.

The appetizer was feta cheese, olive oil and herbs.

The soup was incredible. Carrot, pear, dill weed and hot chili peppers. It might have been -20C outside but that soup warmed up everyone in the room.

The salad had a delicious nutty flavoured oil splashed on its leaves and dried cranberries. It was served with earthy, warm bread served on long, wooden paddle-like servers.

Getting ready for the main event...the fish!

These 12 lb. wild Arctic char had been flown in from Nunavut in Northern Canada and were steamed in a large contraption on the old wood cookstove in the kitchen.

Look how tender that fish is.

Something caught my eye under the stove when I thought I glimpsed a tail. There was Pippin hoping for an offering to fall from above (and staying warm at the same time).

The Artic char was fantastic. Some of us even had second helpings.

And room for dessert, natch! Strawberries and liqueur on vanilla ice cream.

And since Pippin left the kitchen empty handed, I guess she figured she'd go fishing in one of the two aquariums and land a big one of her own.

Caught in the act. Who me?


  1. What a splendid looking feast! I'm just thinking about cooking dinner now and wish I was preparing something as scrumptious as this, although I would have made sure Pippin got her own plate!

  2. That shot of that steaming fish conjures plesant memories, from Sunday. Very evocative, yet under-stated.

  3. Nice picture of the steaming fish, the plates, and I see some skidrow was on the tables. What a great looking time.

  4. Sure beats Toonie Tuesday at KFC.

  5. Amazing table. Renee would love this.
