Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Nature Journaling

Some of my sketches of recent visitors out my window.

Initially I thought it was a flying squirrel perched near the feeder until I cast my desk lamp out the window. Now that was a surprise!


  1. hee hee... love them sawwhets...


  2. So many unique animals - so little time...

  3. A friend of mine in graduate school, an ornithologist, had 3 sawwhet owl rescues that couldn't be returned to the wild. They lived on her back porch and lived on birds that died in mist nets. I have to tell you, they are not tidy pets...
    Now, if you had some great-horned owls around they could probably take care of that flying squirrel problem you've got...spotted owls love them. Low and slow, they call them...
