Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Snowy Lane

The lanes are still snowy but the sun is getting stronger and everyone is talking about the first little indications of spring. The chickadees are singing their spring song. My cats are sleeping on my bed and not in front of the fireplace. From Toronto, Peter reports a bit of grass appearing from under the snow. From Ithaca, NY, my sister Marcia says that her dogs are waking up earlier. Have you seen signs of spring?


  1. I have noticed Crows everywhere, and very vocal. Ahhh, spring!

  2. Yes, the snowdrops and camellias are blooming, people are cutting their grass and planting bulbs and peas.

  3. Okay Oxbow. Too much information!

  4. I think Why Oxbow? must live on southern Vancouver Island, like me.

  5. Oh pooh! Actually Tom he's in Portland, Oregon
