Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Ice, Ice Baby

On the weekend, Richard and I spent most of our time up on the roof hacking and smashing off ice. After that, we decided to keep with our ice-themed weekend and check out Winterlude in Ottawa. Most of it takes place on the Rideau Canal Skateway, at 7.8 km long, it's the longest skating rink in the world.

Speaking of ice, there were tons of intricate ice sculptures... all shapes and sizes. To see a few shots of the day by Richard, click here.

And sculptures of a different sort as well. You were asked to recycle your plastic bottles and put a message in them... create a communal, artistic, recycled sculptural creation.

Meanwhile, if you weren't into art, you could rent skates and at the same booth, check your boots.

Or you could rent a sleigh and pull a little one along the canal.

All in all, a great way to spend a winter day.


  1. I love the ice sculptures. Imagine doing all that work and then it melts. You must get the same feeling with your artful cakes.

  2. Great pictures! I just checked outside and it's still raining here. There's hardly any snow left and I have to hose the mud off Lily when she's been outdoors. But my guess is that everything will freeze over again soon enough. Ah, winter in Canada! You never know what to expect.
