Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Willow

On a cold, sunny day last week, I met a friend from Montreal at The Willow in Hudson, Québec. It's just about a 45 minute drive for each of us, smack dab between my house and her house.

We first met in Grade 6 and stayed friends right through high school. I hadn't seen her for a while but reconnected at our high school reunion a few years back.

Now both on Facebook, we started talking again and decided it was time to get together. She had the Indian inspired salmon at lunch.

I had the seasonal burger special with brie and cranberries.

And we spent the rest of the afternoon talking. It was as though we had picked up our conversation where we had left off twenty-five years ago. Amazing.


  1. Ronna, I know The Willows well! My sister used to play there back in the 70s, had my first "grown up" date there and actually met with old high school buddies there at a reunion in 2000. Small world!

  2. I've spent a couple of lovely afternoons at the Willow as well, many years ago. What a wonderful way to "catch up" or rather pick up where you left off.

  3. When we had our decorating business in Hudson George & I supplied the Willow with wallpaper, paint, draperies etc. Twice. Once just before it burned down and soon after it was rebuilt. Nobody questioned the fact that we had dropped in for a bite the night the fire started. I still have the receipt from that night. That was in 1987.

  4. I'll take the salmon AND the cranberry/brie burger please. (What a great way to celebrate a long friendship).
