Monday, January 5, 2009

Smart Cookies

My friends Peter and Ron make fabulous gingerbread cookies every year, each one perfect in every detail. This year their raccoons were called "A Box of Critters."

I combined two years in a row. Last year was a forest of Christmas trees. The year before that it was a bunch of polar bears. I saved a few bears from the previous year and they were just as edible a year later as the current cookies. Hard to believe!

A few years before those cookies, they sent a box of Rudolph and his buddies. (And unfortunately I neglected to photograph their "Blizzard in a Box" (snowflakes) or their collection of "Seven Swans A-Swimming.")

A few years ago, Richard's sister Annie bought us each a silly gingerbread cookie from Queen of Tarts in Toronto. This one is of Martha Stewart, right after she was released from jail in her knitted poncho.

And this one is of Dick Cheney after his shooting incident.


  1. Because I'm such a fan of impermanence, I love food as art, and these delightful cookies are perhaps the best I've seen in just ages! Oh, I'm SUCH an American Buddhist (I figure that means impermanent excess)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Wow, you have such interesting and creative friends.
