Thursday, October 23, 2008

Painted Stuff This Week

I've been busy this week painting stuff for an upcoming show at my friend Carol's house in Montreal on November 9th. In the meantime, I'm also painting a few Christmas orders, like this large nasturtium platter.

How about a nice cup of tea out of this lupin teapot?

Or a cup of coffee from this vintage coffee pot, now covered with daisies?

This was the silliest set of salt and peppers I'd seen in a long time. I found them in a collectibles shop in Dwight, Ontario this past Thanksgiving.

I knew when I saw them that I could put a cat or dog face on them. Around the middle of the shakers I've written, "Please pass the salt" and "Please pass the pepper."

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if you can drink chamomile tea from a lupin tea pot? How about a tea pot with mint flowers for mint tea? All the stuff looks beautiful!
