Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Back in Time

I went to Montreal yesterday and had lunch with my former next door neighbour Barbara. I was best friends with her daughter Pam (we were nine days apart in age). As a kid, I was entranced with Barb's geranium-papered ceiling. I still think it's pretty fantastic.

Barbara is an animal lover and feeds birds and many other critters too. Mira, a Birman cat, was left at the local vet and was slated to be put down because she was snarling and nasty. No one would adopt her. Barbara visited her every day and eventually was able to take her home and with lots of love, Mira has turned into an amazing cat.


  1. Sounds like you had a great time!
    Thanks for adding me to your blog list.

  2. Barbara sounds like a wonderful lady
    Mira still looks crabby ... but loved.
    and what can I say about Dody's shoes
    They are FANTASTIC
    Please tell her I LOVE them !
