Monday, July 21, 2008

The Poutine Chronicles

Since Richard and I aren't going out west this year to vacation with friends John and Nancy, the four of us have decided to have a virutal vacation together. This includes finding the ultimate poutine (easier for us here in eastern Canada than for them in Oregon!) and doing goofy things near our own homes and sharing them on our blogs.

Hey John and Nancy. Check out the chicken poutine found at Casse Croute du Coin on our way home from Lachute, Quebec yesterday.

And look at the many kinds of poutine offered at this place. Too bad we weren't together...we could've tried out a few more varieties.


  1. Ronna... is your life really this fun or does it just look that way on your blog! What a great idea, to do goofy things close to home. And that poutine photo has triggered a craving for gravy and cheese curds!

  2. I wish it took a trigger! I crave the stuff constantly but find myself 300 miles south of the nearest Canadian port-o-poutine! Fortunately we have our St. Hulbert instant poutine mix...
