Sunday, July 20, 2008

Let Them Eat...Tarte?

Yesterday's ATC Make and Trade session was held at my house and the theme was Bastille Day. After all our hard work making ATCs, we trade and then have tea and cake. I wanted to buy some French pastries but living out in the country, they're pretty hard to find. Instead, I bought a lemon tarte and decorated it with the colours of the French flag. (The golden and red raspberries were from my own plants.)

Here's a snap of the gang hard at work. Was a really fun afteroon. And the ATCs were fantastic!


  1. The tart looks grand with your personal touch added to it! Can't wait to see what you made! What fun!

  2. Looks like you were having fun! And that scrumptious!

  3. I've met a lot of tarts in my time, but none as good looking as this one.
