Wednesday, January 18, 2017

A day in the woods

 Since I burn wood to heat the house, Richard and I spend much of the winter cutting and gathering. Here's Richard crossing the frozen Mighty Mogelon pulling his chainsaw and gas with his toboggan.

 When the creek freezes I'm in mind of the lyrics to a Joni Mitchell song that goes, "I wish I had a river, that I could skate away on..."

 This is another creek that rarely, almost never freezes. I always threaten to do a polar bear dip in it, but never actually have taken the challenge.

This was an odd sight. Walking by a tree, my eye caught a glimpse of something reddish. At first I thought it was a dead pine clump. But upon further examination, it is some sort of bird's feather. Wonder what the back story is there...?


  1. Hi Ronna, looks like you had a great time in the woods. We have noticed a few creeks around Brighton haven't frozen up yet either.
    Would love to know the story behind that feather!

  2. Lovely photos. I could almost see some of these as the basis of drawings. The white snow with blue shadows and the creeks twisting through the landscape...
