Sunday, November 6, 2016

Hail Caesar!

 I made this cake for Richard's birthday. Yes it's a cake!
I saw a salad cake on the Internet and just knew I had to make Richard one because he just loves Caesar salad.

 And he did love it! Kinda strange to put birthday candles in a salad? Naaah.

But once I served it up, it was pretty obvious it was a carrot cake disguised as a Caesar salad.

And this is what it looked like after a few days...two slices left for our lunches tomorrow.

Surprise over, all we're left with is yummy carrot cake and lemony buttercream.
Happy birthday to Richard!


  1. Hi Ronna, when I first saw the cake on Facebook I thought "interesting, Richard must really like salad!" not realizing it was a cake! Fabulous job Ronna!

  2. This is an amazing trompe l'oeil cake. What fun!
