Thursday, October 13, 2016

Autumn in full bloom

 For Thanksgiving weekend we headed up through Algonquin Park to spend time at Richard's sister's cottage in Muskoka.

 I grabbed my watercolours and did a quick sketch of the scenery.

 The night before we left was mighty cool -- we had to scrape ice off the windshield -- and when the brilliant morning sun broke out, the warm water created a photogenic mist.

 Near Huntsville, we went for a walk on the Grandview Trails.

 At the summit, the view wasn't so grand. Couldn't see the view for all the trees!

On our way home, each twist in the road revealed another "ooh" and "ahhh."


  1. Lovely photos Ronna. Reminds me of Vermont.

  2. I love Huntsville and the surrounding area.

  3. What a lovely time of year to spend at the cottage. Your pictures capture all the colourful beauty.

  4. Yes, the leaves have been great this year. As you say, lots of "oohs" and "ahhs". I'm surprised how long the show has lasted. Really like that big rock that Richard is standing on.
