Monday, October 24, 2016

So long dear friends...

It's tough to say goodbye to dear friends who have been your neighbours for 28 years.
There was a potluck dinner at their place this weekend where friends gathered to say so long.
I brought the cake.! I figured saying goodbye in many languages would be a way to wish them well.
Thank goodness for Google! And thank goodness for the countless hours I spent hand lettering at art school all those years ago...

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Autumn in full bloom

 For Thanksgiving weekend we headed up through Algonquin Park to spend time at Richard's sister's cottage in Muskoka.

 I grabbed my watercolours and did a quick sketch of the scenery.

 The night before we left was mighty cool -- we had to scrape ice off the windshield -- and when the brilliant morning sun broke out, the warm water created a photogenic mist.

 Near Huntsville, we went for a walk on the Grandview Trails.

 At the summit, the view wasn't so grand. Couldn't see the view for all the trees!

On our way home, each twist in the road revealed another "ooh" and "ahhh."

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Thanksgiving leaves

It's cooling down out there; the leaves are changing and the acorns are falling.
This year for Thanksgiving, I made a carrot-nut cake, slathered with cream cheese frosting and topped off with maple leaves, oak leaves and acorns made of fondant.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. We have much to be grateful for...

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Hit the Jackpot!

I made this slot machine cake on what I figured was one of the most humid days of the year. And my kitchen doesn't have air conditioning, so it was a challenge to say the least. In the end, I was happy with the one-armed bandit carrot cake, to feed 35 guests. And I got a kick outta the gold foil-covered chocolate coins. So did Claire! Many happy returns to her on her special day.