Thursday, June 30, 2016

A day at Morin Heights

 I'm so lucky to have such fun cousins! James, Jane and Maddy live in Nashville but have a cottage about an hour from here in Morin Heights, Quebec. Above is cousin Rick (from Ottawa) with James as Nyla (from Tennessee!) looks on.

 Jane and Nathalie took a spin around Lac Notre Dame in their pedalo.

 Matt and Nyla got along great!

 Ooh, while we were at the water, a family of mergansers swam by. Fourteen babies. Oh my!

Nice to see first cousins Maddy and Matt get together for a bit.

 Richard enjoyed some "me" time with the water. So calming!

 Before dinner, Jane showed off her new chairs and a new sport she invented: chair yoga.

I'm so blessed to have such a great family. Most people don't even know their cousins. I'm lucky enough to call mine friends.


  1. Looks like everyone had a wonderful time. Love the pic of the Mergansers. Happy Summer!

  2. What a wonderful time you had! Have a good long weekend.

  3. Looks like an idyllic summer day!
