Thursday, March 24, 2016

Goodbye my sweet boy

 Matzo Man showed up in my barn during the winter of 2012-2013. 

 By summer he was ready to come indoors! And in the fall, he did.

 After a month of living in the log cabin, he met the others and fell in love with Cookie.

 They were pretty much inseparable...

 Most winters the gang would all huddle up together for warmth. Was very sweet to see them like that.

 He was a beautiful boy and I miss him already. He was so good. Never climbed on the table. Never scratched or bit me. I adored him.

This photo from last summer makes me smile. I know that in the short time I had him, I gave him a good life. And he was so happy living here. 
Sweet soul, he was.

Goodbye sweet boy. I will miss you so. Matzo Man: May 2012 - March 24, 2016


  1. Ronna, I'm so sorry to read this. I know how your heart is broken right now. It's hard on us when we love these little felines so much and they leave us. Yes, you gave him a great few years. Sending a hug, Deb

  2. Im so sorry about Matzo Man. A hug being sent from our house too. Deb

  3. I'm so sorry for your loss. You clearly gave handsome Matzo Man a loving home! Hugs to you and Cookie as you mourn this loss.

  4. Oh Ronna, I am so sorry about Matzo Man. You gave him a wonderful life. Sending hugs and prayers to you all.

  5. What a truly lovely life you gave him.
