Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Cake time

Grace asked for a pink-maned unicorn sitting on a rainbow. I figured a 12-year-old might get a kick out of a rainbow made of Smarties. I was right!

Meanwhile, Peggy celebrated her big day by locking up her guests at Escape Manor, where a series of clues led them to a key for escaping. 
Her cake had her beloved pets wishing her a Happy Birthday.


  1. Happy Birthday Peggy!
    Happy Thursday!!!

  2. What fun cakes. I especially like the rainbow made of Smarties.

  3. Cute cakes. Smarties are always a hit. :)

  4. All your cakes are so unique, not just in subject matter, but execution. Nothing cookie-cutterish about them at all! I'm sure all the recipients were delighted.
