Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Lilacs, butterflies and lupins, oh my!

 This lovely Eastern Tiger Swallowtail butterfly was flitting around my lilacs yesterday.

 Upon closer inspection, it must've had a dust-up with another critter. One of its swallowtails is missing.

 Also buzzing around the lilacs was a hummingbird moth, also called a hawk moth. They do actually look like teeny tiny hummingbirds.

And like clockwork, the lupins start to bloom. This is one of many in my lupin patch that are getting ready to shine.


  1. This is the best time of year, when the flowers are all new and everything is greening up and there are lovely creatures like butterflies to be found in the garden. Your pics really capture that!

  2. Your photo's are just beautiful! The Hummingbird moth is very interesting.

  3. The yellow swallowtail and mauve lilac make a lovely colour combination. The little hawk moths are so cute - I always love to see them.
