Sunday, May 31, 2015

King of the Hill

Here's Matzo Man in May 2013, after having spent the winter of 2012-13 outside in my barn. He was so shy that it took four months to be able to pick him up and pet him.

Ahh, the life. Now he's king of the hill, has other kitty friends, eats and sleeps where ever he likes. Life is good.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Lilacs, butterflies and lupins, oh my!

 This lovely Eastern Tiger Swallowtail butterfly was flitting around my lilacs yesterday.

 Upon closer inspection, it must've had a dust-up with another critter. One of its swallowtails is missing.

 Also buzzing around the lilacs was a hummingbird moth, also called a hawk moth. They do actually look like teeny tiny hummingbirds.

And like clockwork, the lupins start to bloom. This is one of many in my lupin patch that are getting ready to shine.

Monday, May 25, 2015

White-crowned sparrow

 This sweet little fellow sat outside my window the other day so I could get a good look at him.

Luckily, he didn't move for a good five minutes, so I managed to grab a few good shots of him.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Blooming gorgeous!

 Our little vacation took us to Jim Thorpe, PA where everything was in bloom.

 A blue train and pink crab-apple blossoms paired well together.

 This exquisite tree had hanging pink flowers. Anyone have any idea what sort of tree it is?

Our early May holiday featured mid-July temperatures. Even the rhododendrons were in bloom!