Thursday, January 1, 2015

A Day at the Museum

 The National Gallery of Canada is a marvellous place that I should get to more often.

 This holiday season we made a point of heading there and seeing the Jack Bush show, the Escher show and the contemporary gallery too.

 I loved this selfie of a Michael Snow selfie.

 In the Contemporary Gallery, Richard pondered man's eternal quest for freedom...or was it just an exit sign?

 I loved seeing Richard from my point of view in another gallery, framed by a Sol LeWitt.

Another selfie, this time with Sol LeWitt.

 This amazing work by Geoffrey Farmer was mind boggling. Years of Life magazine cutouts. Very cool indeed.

We took a break in the cafe to rest and hydrate and admired the snow-less view outside and one of the silver sculptures reaching for the sky. Great day in Ottawa.


  1. I love Ottawa. Always have. Looks like a great spot to visit.

  2. Great pictures of the National. I really liked the Jack Bush show - all those wonderful colours. Looks like you and Richard had fun!

  3. Richard looks like he's getting ready for a big adventure in Sol LeWitt Land. Happy New Year 2015.
