Monday, January 19, 2015

Winterizing your nest

While snowshoeing this weekend I came across this vacant nest. Funny how the snow piled up on it. It was only about 6" round, but somehow the well woven sticks and lichen nest managed to hold a great big pile of snow.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Snacktime inside and out

 Last weekend was perfect for snowshoeing. I noticed tons of bunny prints under the spruce trees. Last week we had an ice rain for a few days and it knocked lots of spruce tips off the trees. The snowshoe rabbits had a nice buffet waiting for them.

Meanwhile, inside it was time to try out the new glass teapot I got over the holidays. Time to inaugurate it with the lotus tea blossom I bought in Japantown, while we were in San Francisco a few years back. So much fun watching it bloom. Lovely and nice tea too!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Jack, Jack and more Jack!

 This sweet old boy's name is Jack and he visits me for about three weeks every winter when his parents go to Florida. He lives in Montreal but loves the country!

He's a big cuddle bug...and is pretty happy in his warm room with two beds and all amenities including a night snack and brushing.

I have a definite affinity to this boy...he showed up here years ago as a hungry kitten.

He was so cute and so tiny!

Happily, friends in Montreal adopted him and I'm lucky enough to get to see him on his yearly visits to the country.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

A Day at the Museum

 The National Gallery of Canada is a marvellous place that I should get to more often.

 This holiday season we made a point of heading there and seeing the Jack Bush show, the Escher show and the contemporary gallery too.

 I loved this selfie of a Michael Snow selfie.

 In the Contemporary Gallery, Richard pondered man's eternal quest for freedom...or was it just an exit sign?

 I loved seeing Richard from my point of view in another gallery, framed by a Sol LeWitt.

Another selfie, this time with Sol LeWitt.

 This amazing work by Geoffrey Farmer was mind boggling. Years of Life magazine cutouts. Very cool indeed.

We took a break in the cafe to rest and hydrate and admired the snow-less view outside and one of the silver sculptures reaching for the sky. Great day in Ottawa.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year my blog-reading friends. Here's hoping that 2015 is happy and healthy for all.