Monday, December 29, 2014


We headed over to Montebello, QC to ChocoMotive, a chocolaterie and cchocolatemuseum housed in a former train station.

 There's lots to see there including a few people making chocolate bunnies.

 There's also a huge selection of chocolate types...Richard picked hemp and acai berry (!!) and one with no sugar and almonds.

 The bee pollen chocolate caught my eye but I settled on a sea salt bar.

 We also tried their incredibly delicious hot chocolate. A teeny tiny cup was enough. This stuff was rich and delicious.

 It wasn't cold out or snowy, which is so odd for Dec. 28th, but the hot chocolate went down perfectly well, thanks very much.

Looking forward to a repeat visit to this place. Lots of fun and yummy too.


  1. My kinda place. Love me some hot chocolate. :)

  2. Looks like you're feeling better, Ronna. Nothing like the restorative power of chocolate!
