Monday, December 29, 2014


We headed over to Montebello, QC to ChocoMotive, a chocolaterie and cchocolatemuseum housed in a former train station.

 There's lots to see there including a few people making chocolate bunnies.

 There's also a huge selection of chocolate types...Richard picked hemp and acai berry (!!) and one with no sugar and almonds.

 The bee pollen chocolate caught my eye but I settled on a sea salt bar.

 We also tried their incredibly delicious hot chocolate. A teeny tiny cup was enough. This stuff was rich and delicious.

 It wasn't cold out or snowy, which is so odd for Dec. 28th, but the hot chocolate went down perfectly well, thanks very much.

Looking forward to a repeat visit to this place. Lots of fun and yummy too.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Cookie time!

 Polar bear gingerbread cookies with warm scarves...

...or funky blue snowflake gingerbreads. How does one decide?

Monday, December 22, 2014

Retirement cake

I made this cake for a co-worker who retired as a salesperson at our office. She was often on the road and returned with Post-It notes and clippings and all sorts of things in her folders. I thought it was a fun way to point out possible adventures to come and at the same time remind her of the chaos of working.

Happy retirement-- Bonne retraite Francine!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Visiting the menagerie

Meanwhile over at Knatolee's World, there are plenty of new critters. Here's Nat mucking out the barn where her new ponies spend the night.

She's flanked by Honey, one of three Greek cat she's saved. They flew over a few weeks ago and seem to be enjoying Canadian life. 

 This is her sister Daisy. Buttercup was off exploring somewhere and I'll get to meet her next time.

I did mange to get a quick snuggle with Honey.

I grabbed a snap of the ropes hanging in the barn. So colourful.

 Meanwhile indoors, there are more creatures wanting a hug. Naomi is always up for a quick snuggle.

And poor old Tristan is still going strong. He's an elderly boy who still likes a treat, head pat or belly rub. Sweet boy.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Happy Chanukah

 It's Chanukah and time for latkes. Richard's really got the hang of doing latkes!

 I was running around all day but tried making the brisket in the slow cooker. And it worked out great!

Richard lit my grandfather's menorah on the left and I lit a candle on my late parents' menorah. Lovely to have family mementos and great memories to make the holiday special.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Cats, cats, cats, cats

I just love my cats...but I rarely ever see them all at the same time. In fact, hours can go by where I don't see any of them...but yesterday it was cold enough that they all found the warmest spot in the house and hung out together for a while. Kind of nice to see...