Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Take a walk on the boardwalk

 Over the weekend we went to Cooper Marsh, a conservation area just down the road a piece.

 Just recently they rebuilt what seems like miles of boardwalk...

 We took one of the shorter routes through the marsh.

 It was a bright windy day, likely one of the few left before the snow flies.

 Lots of golds and browns in the palette.

 And as I mentioned, miles of boardwalk with areas to stop and observe wildlife.

 The only wildlife in the marsh was Richard and me!

 But there were hungry chickadees waiting for a handout. Next time I'll bring some sunflower seeds for them. They sure are friendly. I think they've been hand fed a few times before. I tried to lure them with some sumac seeds. It worked only once and then they ignored me!

Very scenic spot for taking photos.

And we had to snap a selfie...natch!

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful place. It makes me think of the Alfred Bog, which Peter and I visited many times, but the Cooper Marsh looks bigger. It looks like you had a perfect fall day for visiting it. I especially love the pic of the chickadee landing on your hand.
