Thursday, November 27, 2014

It's beginning to look a lot like...

 Last weekend a few of our gang at work decided to stat setting up our display at the park.

 Our sign will light up and hopefully everyone will see whose display it is.

 Giant plywood Christmas trees strung with lights.

 And a giant snow-family too.

 All those sandbags hold down the displays and make sure they don't blow away.

 From previous experience they found out that plastic added to the bottom of the displays makes it easier to remove when they are iced in...

And here's our sweet display. It's for the Festival of Lights in Alexandria, Ontario, which runs all December with tons of lights and trees and is really a fun experience, albeit usually freezing cold. Every year we've added to this display. This year, the deer and the lollipops are new. I'll take a photo of it at night and report back!

1 comment:

  1. It is a sweet display - and lots of fun. It reminds me of the decorations of my childhood, and those are the best!
