Monday, September 1, 2014

Fox and buck

Driving home this evening, I saw a critter in the road. It was a fox.I wondered why it was so still that I could grab a photo. Why, it was having a pee by the side of the road.

 Guess it wasn't too impressed with me. What a look!

 Round the corner on the road was a deer...a buck. He ran off, followed by a doe.

All this followed by a lovely sunset. A perfect end to a gorgeous Labour Day!


  1. Aw - country living, eh Ronna. That sure beats traffic jams and irate drivers. I see fox around here once in awhile. I just love it when I see one and it looks healthy. Hope you had a great weekend. Mine was busy so tomorrow is my day to relax. Have a good one. Hugs

  2. hehe, when you've gotta go, you've gotta go!!
    I came around a corner once and saw a dog fox cocking it's leg on a white post on the roadside. Was in no hurry to run off.......Great photos Ronna.......
