Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Scrabble cupcakes

A friend of mine has a godfather who is turning 65 and loves Scrabble.
Perfect way to ring in his birthday I think.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Chippy time

I have several resident chipmunks who love when I fill my former herb pot with peanuts. More fun than a barrel of monkeys.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Common mergansers

I just loved seeing these common mergansers on Lake of Bays last week on vacation. There were five of them, diving and swimming. Apparently the female hangs out with the juveniles all summer and the male takes off for some man cave somewhere or something. The female and young ones have rusty heads. The male has a dark green head.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Early morning Algonquin Park

 The mist rising off the water was so lovely the other day when we drove through Algonquin Park.

 Almost looks like a black and white photo.

 I especially loved how clear the water was, the blue sky reflection and the mist off the water.

Richard in silhouette on our favourite rock that juts out into the lake. We try and visit that rock as often as we can.

And we try to take selfies from that spot too. Fun!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Amazing burgers at Webers

Just last week, on our way from Toronto to Muskoka we went to the world famous Weber Burger joint. Last year we travelled that way on Labour Day and the line up was insane. This year it wasn't quite as bad, the service was fast and I'm so happy we got to try a Weber's burger.
Apparently, this amazing fellow known as Key Man started twirling hot dots at the age of 16 on Weber's opening day, July 16, 1963 and has now flipped burgers for 45 + years and hasn't missed a beat. Weekend fans watch him flip 800 burgers an hour, flipping at break neck speed. Wowza!

We were doubly lucky because it was such a lovely day outside and we got to enjoy our burgers in the sunshine.

Yum, yum, yum! Can't wait to go back next year!

If you want to read more about Weber's here's their website:www.webers.com/

And more about "Keyman" the burger guy here: www.webers.com/keyman.html

Monday, September 15, 2014

Happy 60th Ron!

 My friend Ron celebrated his 60th birthday in Toronto last week and my gift to him was the cake.

 Ron has a larger than life personality and a joie de vivre that he shares with everyone he meet.  I wanted to make a cake to reflect this.

 I decided a film strip of his life over the past six decades might suit. I made three 9"x13" slab cakes and each one featured two decades of Ron. I cut the boards, reattached the cut piece for transport and when I got to the venue of the party, I removed the removable bits to put them all together as one cake.

And here is the finished product. What an adventure! Travelling 5 hours in 30C and then putting it together was just nuts but I wouldn't have traded it for the world. Happy birthday to you, dear Ron!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Fox and buck

Driving home this evening, I saw a critter in the road. It was a fox.I wondered why it was so still that I could grab a photo. Why, it was having a pee by the side of the road.

 Guess it wasn't too impressed with me. What a look!

 Round the corner on the road was a deer...a buck. He ran off, followed by a doe.

All this followed by a lovely sunset. A perfect end to a gorgeous Labour Day!