Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The ultimate hen party!

 Natalie's hen Charlotte turned five years old last weekend, so it was time to celebrate!

Natalie went to get Charlotte to show her the cake.

 Charlotte was supposed to help Nat blow out the candles...well she tried!

 One happy chicken...doing the chicken dance perhaps?

Charlotte got some great gifts. Even better than the cake were the meal worms one of the partygoers offered her. All in all, a very fun day for chicken and humans.


  1. This is so fun and a first for me to see a chicken celebrate it's birthday. haha! Love the never cease to amaze. Hugs

  2. Another awesome cake by YOU!! THanks so much for making the day extra-special!!!

  3. PS I just blogged about it too!

  4. An amazing cake! And the likeness to the birthday girl is remarkable.
