Wednesday, July 16, 2014


 The other day we came upon a unplowed field, full of bobolinks.

 I rarely see these birds and I know they are endangered in these part. They nest in fields and since most fields are usually hayed by now, there's little place for these guys to have their families.

Luckily, there is a huge field just around the corner from me and we counted at least 10 pairs of bobolinks. Wonderful to see so many of them all in one spot.


  1. Great pics - the top picture is stunning. I don't know much about these birds and I don't think I've ever seen one. Question - aren't they called "bobolinks"?

  2. Duh Evlyn. You're right. They are bobolinks. I have corrected the text in the post. Thanks for your "eagle" eye!

  3. I keep hoping that some bobolinks will discover the uncultivated field across from us. Glad they're still around near you.
