Thursday, July 31, 2014

Climbing chipmunk

 I had no idea that chipmunks climbed. I just thought they ran around on the ground. Until I saw one of my hollyhocks starting to sway.

 The little guy reached for a seedpod and balanced on a stem while he ate the seeds.

Then a big reach for more seeds. Just amazing. 
So happy the seeds are filling a hungry tummy.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Matzo Man Then and Now

 This barn cat who I nicknamed "Red Boy" really wanted to come into the house...and he was so sweet, I couldn't resist him.

A year later, he practically runs the house and never, ever tries to get out.
He knows better!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Hollyhock heaven

The hollyhocks have been absolutely amazing this year. I don't remember planting these...I must've tossed a packet of seeds into my back garden about five or six years ago and last year they were lovely...but this year they are amazing!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Leopard print birthday

My friend Bonnie celebrated a milestone birthday over the weekend. Her boyfriend suggested a cake covered with leopard print as apparently it's her favourite. He also sent me a photo of wee Bonnie on a rug. Together, along with gold sugar stars, we celebrated Bonnie's big day.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


 The other day we came upon a unplowed field, full of bobolinks.

 I rarely see these birds and I know they are endangered in these part. They nest in fields and since most fields are usually hayed by now, there's little place for these guys to have their families.

Luckily, there is a huge field just around the corner from me and we counted at least 10 pairs of bobolinks. Wonderful to see so many of them all in one spot.

Monday, July 14, 2014

M&M wedding cake

Melissa and Mike (M&M) got married over the weekend. Melissa had ordered special M&Ms, in purple and grey, with little hearts and the word "love" on them. She asked me to integrate them into her wedding cake, along with calla lilies and purple ribbon. I'm happy with how it turned out. It's kind of elegant and whimsical at the same time.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Mock orange

Over the years, my mother's mock orange bush has gone wild! It sends out long tendrils, very likely to get more light because it's in a dark corner. These tendrils have grown into a bower of flowers, just lovely and fun as they hang over my new, improved bridge that spans the little creek (ditch) that runs beside the house.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Canada Day Parade in Alexandria

 My cousin, all the way from Texas, was visiting us up here in eastern Ontario. Perfect time to introduce him to our local Canada Day parade in Alexandria.

 It was super hot, like 30+ Celsius so we found some shade before the parade began.

Pierre Lemieux, our federal member of parliament, sailed by in his convertible.

Then, all of a sudden Federal Liberal party leader Justin Trudeau appeared! 

Major photo op ladies and gentlemen! Fun or what?

 The rest of the parade was really fun. Little horses pulling tiny wagons.

Gussied up tractors, festive for the season.

Loved this float with historical Canadians aboard...

A few more horses, this time, full-sized ones!

My cousin Len posing in front of my place of work, in beautiful downtown Alexandria.

 After the parade, time for ice cream!

Perfect ending to a perfect day. Happy birthday Canada!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Justin Trudeau on Canada Day

Who would of thunk it? Justin Trudeau, leader of the Liberal Party of Canada was in our little town for our Canada Day parade. And I managed to get a pic with him. What a cutie? Our next prime minister? Quite possibly...

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Happy Canada Day!

Happy Canada Day, eh? This pic, with my brother and sister c. 1963 in Ottawa.