Thursday, April 24, 2014

Grahame's Bakery

My friend Peggi and I headed to Kemptville yesterday to pick up some little trees and we decided to find the old town of Kemptville and see what it was like. 

 We came across Grahame's Bakery that actually bakes using a wooden oven!

 The place is around the corner from the street...pretty unassuming looking.

 As you round the corner, we noticed lots of wood!

 Loved the old Grahame's Bakery sign, tucked in the corner.

 We opened the door and wow! The smell was amazing!

We were lucky and owner Debbie Wilson showed us the enormous oven that ran along the back wall...

...lined in fire bricks. I forgot to ask Debbie how they regulated the temperature. Gak!

 The baked good were all over the place...donuts galore!

 Peggi got some lemon-filled donuts for her husband.

 I bought an assortment of cookies. (Yummy)!!

 Loves of bread of every description.

 These beauties were baked to be served at The Brigadoon Restaurant, just down the road in Oxford Mills.

 I love this stack of trays of goodies, waiting to be put on the shelves.

 And I had to ask what the heck this contraption was. Seems it takes the dough and separates it out evenly for making rolls. I always wondered how rolls were always the same size!

A great day and a great find. Peggi and I bought bread and scones, donuts and cookies. What a serendipitous bit of luck that we happened upon Grahame's Bakery. Can't wait to go back!

Grahame's Bakery, 115 Clothier St. E., Kemptville, ON
Phone: 613-258-2317


  1. We are planning a trip to Kemptville soon and will look for this place. There is a little restaurant called Crusty Bread that we lunch at. Great food there, too.

  2. Amazing!! Iain is a bread maker of many years. I think I know where our next day travel will be taking us. Thanks Ronna.
