Friday, March 14, 2014

What the storm blew in...

 We had another dump of storm and the birds gathered near the feeder.

 I was incredibly surprised to see two cedar waxwings. 
I hope they found some wild berries to chow down on.

 The downy woodpecker boy was pretty happy when I refilled my suet holder.

 Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal hung around the better part of the day...

 ...but he's a very shy lad and I couldn't snap a photo of him.

 Mrs. Cardinal, however, let me get plenty of photos of her.

 The flat feeder that Richard made for me is a real hit with the non-feeder feeding birds.

The blue jays had taken a break when I took this one. Usually there are four or five of them fighting over the peanuts.

And this little red squirrel was covered in snow as he chowed down 
on some sunflower seeds. OK, now I"m ready for spring!

1 comment:

  1. so good to see all those cold birds partaking at your feeder.
