Monday, February 17, 2014

Amazing Sunday Meal

 On Sunday we were invited to a meal along with 20 or so other folks.

 Grilled asparagus and homemade chocolate and red pepper bread.

 Squash soup made with last summer's squash.

 Warm baby spinach with feta.

 Arctic char flown in from Iqaluit, cooked on the wood cookstove.

 Roasted potatoes...

 Check out that char!

 Roasted colour carrots.

 Setting up the plates before send off...

The final plate. Gorgeous.

 Richard and Alissia in a deep conversation.

Great conversation and of course, a cat was on my lap. Now how'd that happen?

1 comment:

  1. That meal does look good. How did the cat find you? They just do!
