Thursday, February 27, 2014

Patterned Wallpaper

 As a graphic artist I've always loved patterns. And colour combinations.

 Ten or more years ago, my brother told me he had lined up at a movie theatre and in the trash of a designer's shop were three discarded wallpaper books. He grabbed them and put them in his car for me. I was tickled! One of the best gifts ever.

At the time I was making collages and artist trading cards so the books came in handy.
 But I've changed direction and the books just sat in my cupboard, untouched.
 I decided to chop them all out and put them in lots on my Etsy shop. 

My favourite of the papers is a collection by Scalamandré called The Grand Tour, a series of designs based on artworks from various countries.

Animal design inspired by the art in the private portfolio of Akbar, the 16th century emperor of the Mughal Dynasty. Love it.

Chinoise Exotique" is a wonderful example of Indochine design developed for export to the European market in the early 1700s .

 My absolute favourite! The mosaics inspired from a wall decoration found in an excavation on Mikonos Island off the coast of Greece. Lovely!

A new interpretation of a classical Scalamandre pattern originally adapted from an 18th century French toile.

I expect that a scrapbooker or collager will buy one of these packets of paper. They are works of art in themselves! To see my shop click here: CinnamonGirlStuff

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Dear Mum

 I had a very cool Mum. Yesterday would have been her 89th birthday.
That's her on the left in the shades with her sister Sylvia in Saint John, NB in the '50s.

Mom rode an Indian motorcycle and was one of the first women radio operators in WWII.
She died in 1997 and I miss her every day!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Go Canada Go!

So proud of our Canadian men and women's hockey teams for taking home the gold in Socchi, Russia at the Winter Olympics! Way to go, Canada!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

National Cupcake Day for SPCA

 Monday is National Cupcake Day for SPCAs & Humane Societies to raise funds for homeless animals. Here are my donations to be sold by Gordon Campbell at the courthouse in Cornwall (Ontario) located at 29 Second Street W. -- in the lawyer's lounge and at duty counsel office, during the day -- until supplies run out. 

 If you're in the neighbourhood, please drop by and show your support.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Amazing Sunday Meal

 On Sunday we were invited to a meal along with 20 or so other folks.

 Grilled asparagus and homemade chocolate and red pepper bread.

 Squash soup made with last summer's squash.

 Warm baby spinach with feta.

 Arctic char flown in from Iqaluit, cooked on the wood cookstove.

 Roasted potatoes...

 Check out that char!

 Roasted colour carrots.

 Setting up the plates before send off...

The final plate. Gorgeous.

 Richard and Alissia in a deep conversation.

Great conversation and of course, a cat was on my lap. Now how'd that happen?

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy St. Valentine's Day

Every year I make a valentine for Richard that I frame. Here's this year's offering. Meow!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Buttercream Roses

 Over the years, I've made hundreds upon hundreds of buttercream roses. They look so nice and they taste great too!

I was making some roses for an upcoming project when I came upon a giant rose tip I bought last year and had totally forgotten about. So...I made two huge cabbage rose-topped cupcakes for Valentine's Day. Kinda cute, eh?

Monday, February 10, 2014

Woodsy Weekend

 The weather was perfect this weekend and so we spent most of it outside in the woods.

 We wore our snowshoes and so did this rabbit!

 I found some dead trees for Richard to cut and he got at it. This one he dropped right beside the newly installed picnic table...

 ...but, as Richard pointed out, he neglected to account for one 
big branch that knocked it over.

With the next tree, he dropped it dead centre onto a pair of stacked, plastic chairs that were supposed to be our picnic chairs. Oh well, I'm now in the market 
for a few butt-sized stumps!