Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Jack's Back Home

 In 2004, Jack and his little sister Jill showed up at my place. Luckily my friends in Montreal adopted them. Sadly, Jill died a few years back but Jack comes back to stay with me for a few weeks every Christmas when his parents vacation down south.

 Jack always had the run of the house with the three girl cats pretty much leaving him alone. But autumn's new addition of Matzo Man made me nervous.
Interestingly enough, they got along pretty well.

Jack mostly stuck to his bedroom but kept opening the door to make sure he could see what was going on in the house. And when guests stayed in the bedroom next door, Jack not only opened his door, he pushed open their door too and hopped into bed with them. See ya next year Jack. Always a pleasure.


  1. What a doll. I would miss him for sure.

  2. All houseguests should be like Jack!

  3. Jack is a handsome cat and I think I'd miss him. Christmas company for you includes a very interesting cat !
