Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Yule Stump cake

Instead of a buche noel or yule log cake, this Christmas I made a stump noel or yule stump. Three-tiered lemon cake with lemon curd filling covered in 
chocolate icing with meringue mushrooms. Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Winter Solstice 2013

Our friends down the road hosted a winter solstice party to welcome back the sun. It had been rescheduled from Dec. 21 because we got a big snowstorm. Luckily for us, we didn't get very much freezing rain, like they did west and north of us, but instead over 2 days we got 40 cm of snow. Lucky? I guess...

 One of the traditions at Winter Solstice is to have a bonfire and, if you like, you can burn something you want to get rid of in your life. 
On our way to the fire there was a snow dog.

 I didn't really have anything to burn this year but it was fun to have a glass of wine in the great outdoors and keep warm by the fire. 
It was fairly "balmy" out with a temperature of -8C.

Looking back at the house, I love the way the light reflected on the trees in the backyard. Here's wishing all my bloggy friends and readers a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and hoping you don't have anything to burn at winter solstice 2014!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Gingerbread cookie time

 Love making gingerbread cookies when the snow's flying.

Classic gingerbread men and women are the best!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Hockey cake

 My friend Sean loves the Toronto Maple Leafs and since it was his birthday, what a perfect time for a hockey cake.

He's also the sports editor at The Glengarry News (I work there too) so the cake was perfect for him I think.