Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Times They Are A-Changing

 With the first light snowfall this morning, I figured I'd better put up the photos from our autumn walk two weeks ago.

 We drove  to Mt. Rigaud, just over the Ontario border into Quebec and came upon some sort of bike competition. I particularly liked them all lined up at the washing station. It was a muddy day!

 We climbed up the hill, to the top of the ski lift.

 You can see green fields way in the distance below.

 The leaves were amazing!


 And the bike riders were still going around in circles as we descended.

Hoorah for the full Hunter's Moon, rising over a field of soybeans! 


  1. Love the first photo. I see a face in that moon.

  2. We often drive over to Rigaud and enjoy the view from the road that goes beside the skihill. Did you walk through the old quarry?
