Wednesday, August 28, 2013

La Foire Gourmande

 We had a delightful day, last weekend visiting La Foire Gourmande. Two sites boasted tents full of flavourful morsels ready to be tasted.

 One site was on the Ontario side in Lefaivre...

...the other, with a quick hop on a ferry across the Ottawa River,
was in Montebello, Quebec.

 I got a real kick out of this bouncy cow thing for the kids...

 ...and the food was divine. This was a date-wrapped slice of prosciutto with buffalo mozzarella and a squirt of red pepper jelly.

Best of all? I made the front page of one of the local newspapers!


  1. That looked like a fun day. Any day you get to taste-test would be good. And look at you on the front page :)
