Friday, May 24, 2013

A Walk at the Trails

We're lucky to live near the Glengarry Trails which includes a walk around a small lake called the Garry Fen.

It was quite muggy and buggy but that didn't stop us.

Even though it rained on us halfway through, Peggi led the way.

We came upon the carnivorous pitcher plant in bloom.

 I just love these sedges that are growing on this wee hummock.

 Each of these tiny islands sport a different collection of plant life.

 In the woods we came upon the most amazing collection of these dryad saddle mushrooms.


 Peggi spotted this Ram's head orchid, a rare plant in these parts.

We even came upon a small clump of these beauties.

 The marsh marigolds were still in bloom.

 And clumps of ferns were unfurling. (And no, these aren't the edible kind.)

 Maidenhead ferns are so delicate looking.

 Some wildlife action. Check out the fast moving snail we caught on camera.

 And this bullfrog was happy to watch us walk by, not moving one bit as I snapped his photo.


  1. Great photos, Ronna. You have a keen eye on your walks. Deb

  2. What a wonderful wander through the woods. Love your pics. There is so much amazing stuff close to home isn't there?
