Thursday, March 14, 2013

Strange Day at the Bird Feeder

 We had a few warm weeks and last night a cold front came in with light snow. I guess the birds kind of panicked and I can't blame them. I hard a big ruckus outside the window and a pair of crows were at my suet, pecking away at it.

Later in the afternoon, I looked out and the first starling of the season was digging into some seed left on the ground. Beautiful markings and colouration on the birdie. I know no one likes them because they are invaders but they look pretty nice.


  1. In the early spring, it is nice to see any birds. I agree about the Starlings. They are not liked but they really are pretty when you look closely at them. Great pictures of the birds at your feeder.

  2. Oh! Oh! I like starlings! I like them!! Crows too! And grackles!
