Friday, March 8, 2013

Antique Shop Cat

  A local junk-antique shop opened locally and I finally decided to have a visit.

The first thing I saw was this gorgeous Tabby who climbed right onto my coat.

The owner of the shop has 4 other cats in his apartment upstairs and told me that he had saved this little guy from a litter he found out in the woods. The other kittens ran away but this one was so friendly he had to take him in.

Friendly and busy. He spends his days negotiating crystal and china and has unfortunately broken a few treasures.

 But he has the sweetest disposition. How could you get angry at a face like that?


  1. I love shop cats. He looks like a fun little guy. Almonte has one at their thrift shop but he sits and stares at you under a sign that reads 'Don't touch the cat'. His name is Eric. hahaha!

  2. What a gorgeous cat! He has an unusual face... long nose?

    Is that the place in Alex?

  3. He's a sweetheart. I would really want to buy something from a shop that had such a nice cat.

  4. what a sweet guy, so glad he got taken in and I imagine he'll get better at negotiating the crystal and china.
