Friday, October 26, 2012

Sketching En Plein Air

 Natalie, Barb, Tristan and Sophie (the dogs) and I headed out on a nice, warmish fall day to do some sketching.

 Once we got to the back of Nat's property, at the Beaudette River, we set pen to paper.

 I started off by trying to paint the milkweeds going to seed.

The sun came out and it was time for lunch. Sophie and Tristan were keen to share with me!

 Sophie is full of p and v and was happy to be outside.

 So was Tristan but the walk to the back pooped him out and he was snoring in the sunlight.

After some sketching, talking, laughing and eating, we headed back to civilization. Can't wait till we can do this again!


  1. You lead a charmed life, gurl!

  2. Looks like you had a lovely day. What beautiful weather for it. I like your sketch of the milkweed - it would be great to see some of other work you guys produced.

  3. What a great day! I really enjoyed the company of you and Barb, the weather, the sketching... and the dogs behaved!!

  4. What a relaxing way to spend time with your friends--memories made, friendship cherished!
