Friday, October 12, 2012

Happy Birthday Sis!

Today is my sister Marci's birthday.
 She was such a cutie!

My mother loved to dress my brother and sister up. I think my brother actually had leiderhosen that Mom brought back from Austria.

My sister is a great big sister!

 She was the coolest because she played guitar.

We all wanted to be like her. There's my friend Roberta holding onto the guitar case!

Looks like I'm having a grumpy birthday here. My brother is trying to whisper something to me. My sis looks angelic.

Mom won these dogs at bingo or bridge or something. I got the brown guy, Marci got the black poodle. Kinda funny because now she has two black poodles (real ones, that is).

I love this photo of my dad and my Uncle Gus and Marci. Not sure of the date.

 Happy birthday to the best big sis in the whole world!


  1. Love these great old pics, and that last one is really nice of you both.

    Happy birthday Marci!

  2. Sis is the best - I wish she was my sis too. Happy Birthday Sis!

  3. Happy Birthday Marci! October 12th obviously is a day when wonderful people were born (it is my daughter Sarah's birthday too!).

  4. Thank you dear sister! Love the photos... Nd love you the most!
