Thursday, October 18, 2012

Freda Pemberton Smith

Freda Pemberton Smith (1902-1991) was an amazing artist who lived in Vankleek Hill, Ontario and painted there prolifically. 

Along with the Skelly Gallery in St. Eugene, Ontario, where this show was held, the exhibit was organized by Freda's niece, Harriet Pemberton Smith (right) of Ottawa. She's seen here with my friends from Montreal, Fran Halter and Paul Patterson who are avid collectors of Freda's work.

Freda excelled at working with oil pastels.

Richard and Lis Skelly, the namesake of the gallery, found some time to catch up.

 More of Freda's pastels.

The large water landscape is pastel but the one to the left is watercolour, a medium that Freda especially loved.

Freda was a member of the Canadian Society of Painters in Watercolour. An amazing show of her work! To see more images, my friend Evlyn was at the show too. Here's the link to her blog.


  1. It was a really nice show. In particular, I was impressed by her pastels. Great photos of her work and of people at the show (I got there quite late in the day - sorry I missed you).

  2. FPS works are impressive. I own a few but I am latecomer. Thank you for sharing your photos and comments. BrianD
