Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Coit Tower

Our visit to San Francisco was amazing and I have lots to tell. Our first day we headed for Coit Tower, which overlooks the city.
We're on our way up!

There were lots of hills and stairs to climb just to get to Telegraph Hill, where the tower sits.

 It's hard to tell but the road behind us drops all the way down...

 The tower itself has beautiful architectural details...

 And fabulous views of the city below.

 In the distance is Alcatraz.

 It looks pretty darn close, doesn't it?

And from this view, a little to the left, you can see the Golden Gate Bridge in the distance. And best of all, I got to see the real Parrots of Telegraph Hill on our walk to Lombard Street's crooked road. I could hear them and then suddenly they flew overhead. Cool or what?


  1. I've still never been to San Francisco and have always regretted it. Looks like you had a fantastic time!

  2. It looks like a beautiful city. Certainly lots of ups and downs, but the views from way up are spectacular.

  3. Great shots of the views of the city. The photo of Alcatraz is intriguing - such a legendary place. Looking forward to seeing more pics of your trip.

  4. Great shots! I must go back there.
