Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Lachute Flea Market

It's been years since I've had a Tuesday off and was able to go to the Lachute Flea Market. My late father and I would go almost religiously, every Tuesday (for years!) and have a ball. It's one of my favourite places on Earth! And since we're on vacation this week, Tuesday was Lachute day!

First of all, you can get anything here. The freshest, in-season veggies...peppers were great this year...

 As were the apples and corn.

 Outside of the stalls were huge bags of multi-coloured carrots waiting to be picked up.

Further over in the market are stalls and stalls of junk. I LOVE junk! I love looking at stuff. How about some old Quebec licence plates?

 Or the Flintstone's dining room set?

 Lots of snowshoes for sale. Hmmm...I wonder if the vendor know something about this upcoming winter?

Tons and tons of funky dishes, many from the '50s and '60s. When Dad and I used to shop here some 15-20+ year ago, there was a lot of Depression glass. Times have changed.

 Ashtray anyone? Or how about a small tire for your wheel barrow?

Stuff. Stuff and more stuff. You'd have to go through the place a few times not to miss anything.

There was lots of action at the booth selling cheese curds.

 A wagon making mini-donuts. Smelled great. We kept moving knowing that...

 ...a poutine lunch was coming soon.

Sitting outside in the sun eating piping hot poutine. How could it get any better?

It got better 'cause there was musical entertainment while you ate. French-Canadian versions of old standard country and western tunes.  Lachute Flea Market. The most fun ever! (I once told my dad that I wanted my ashes scattered here.)


  1. I've never been! Looks like a ton of fun.

  2. I've only been once, but I loved it! Great pics.

  3. Cool flea market! Me too love that! I remember those depression glass things. I think my parents sold a few in their antique store. The Seventies-Eigties were gold years for buyers and collectors! I love flea markets and had a couple of tables there in the early Eighties. That was so fun! :)

  4. I want to go there with you!

  5. Love the last line. I saw a blue and white dish there I would have scooped up. I have something unbelievable to tell you...I have never eaten poutine. NEVER! Not even in a dream. I feel so unpatriotic. Deb

  6. How could you resist the doughnuts ??The smell makes them irrasistable
