Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Happy birthday to my Big Brother!

My brother turns 60 today so my sis and I dug up tons of old shots and made him an album of memories. Here's our family on my first birthday in 1961.

 A couple of shots of me as a tiny baby. 

 My brother Larry, my sis Marci and me as a newborn.

 The three of us when I'm a bit older.

 I think we were at someone's cottage or in New Brunswick?

 Love this shot of Larry and me in Mum and Dad's big bed.

 Us playing train in the living room. As the baby, I was ALWAYS the caboose (and I don't look too happy about it either!)
 A trip the family took to Ottawa in 1963.

 1965: Family trip to Niagara Falls.
 The three of us in Montreal.

 A shot from 2003 when I was having my first vernissage art show, my sis and bro both came to see it!

Happy birthday Larry, to the best big brother ever!


  1. Happy Birthday to your brother. I'm sure he love the album you and your sister put together. I remember a time when I printed all my photographs, now most are just stored on my computer :)

  2. Really terrific photos! You have a great family. :)

  3. What wonderful photos, and what a wonderful way to celebrate your brother's birthday. I especially like the picture of the three of you playing train.
